Frequently Asked Questions

Colocation Amsterdam

Colocation, also known as renting rackspace, is the process of housing your own servers and equipment in a data center. It provides professional facilities with reliable power, cooling, and security. Renting rackspace allows you to maintain control over your equipment while benefiting from the robust infrastructure and connectivity of the data center. It is a cost-effective solution for reliable hosting without the complexity of building and maintaining your own data center.

Colocation offers benefits such as better network performance, higher security levels, reliable power and cooling, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. By renting rackspace, you retain control over your equipment and benefit from advanced infrastructure. It provides optimal performance, availability, and flexibility without the capital investment and complexity of an in-house data center.

When selecting a data center for colocation, consider factors such as location, reliability of infrastructure, security measures, connectivity options, scalability, reputation, prices, and offered services. Comparing data centers helps find the right one that meets your specific needs and offers rackspace rental at a favorable price.

Factors to consider when selecting rackspace in Amsterdam include location within the city, availability of network connections, power supply, security, scalability options, prices, and reviews. Choosing the right rackspace in Amsterdam provides reliable colocation services with excellent infrastructure and connectivity for optimal performance.

Colocated data centers implement comprehensive security measures, including physical security, surveillance cameras, access control, secure server rooms, fire protection systems, and 24/7 monitoring. Renting rackspace in a colocated data center ensures a secure environment for your equipment, benefitting from high security standards.

Colocation facilities have redundant power supply systems, emergency power generators, and advanced cooling systems to ensure continuous power and prevent equipment overheating. Renting rackspace in a colocation facility provides reliable power supply and cooling, optimizing the performance and lifespan of your equipment.

Yes, most colocated data centers offer 24/7 access to your equipment. Personal access passes or biometric access allow you to manage your equipment, perform upgrades, and troubleshoot issues at any time. Renting rackspace gives you flexibility and control over your infrastructure.

The costs of colocation vary depending on factors like required rackspace, power requirements, and additional services. Generally, renting rackspace in a colocated data center is cost-effective compared to setting up and maintaining your own data center. It allows you to benefit from high-quality infrastructure and connectivity without significant capital investments. Comparing prices helps find the most favorable price for renting rackspace.

Colocated data centers offer various network connection options, including direct access to internet exchange points, connections with multiple network providers, and the ability to set up private networks between colocated customers. Renting rackspace in a colocated data center provides extensive connectivity options for optimal network performance and reliability of your equipment.

Yes, when renting rackspace in a colocated facility, you can bring your own servers and equipment. It gives you control over your hardware and the freedom to implement specific configurations and upgrades based on your needs. Renting rackspace allows you to customize your IT infrastructure within the colocated facility.

In a colocated space, there are generally no limitations on the type of equipment you can place. Data centers typically have flexible policies and accept a wide range of equipment, including servers, switches, routers, and storage devices. They are designed to meet the needs of different customers and support various equipment configurations.

Connectivity between colocated data centers and external locations is managed through fiber connections and network providers. At Qupra DC, you can order an unlit or lit connectivity service. By efficiently utilizing the existing connections, bandwidth or dedicated fiber can be purchased for you. Data centers, including Qupra, collaborate with leading network companies such as Ring Relined, Asimo, Carrier2, and Afiber to provide reliable and fast connections. These providers deliver high-quality connectivity services, including dark fiber, point-to-point connections, and IP transit, seamlessly connecting colocated data centers with external locations.

Yes, colocated data centers provide support for remote hands services. This means that experienced technicians in the data center can perform tasks on your behalf, such as server reboots, component replacements, and simple configuration changes. These services are offered either by the data center itself or in collaboration with partners. This allows you to rely on professional assistance even if you cannot be physically present in the data center.

The deployment speed of servers and equipment in a colocated space depends on various factors, such as the availability of rackspace and any required configurations. Generally, colocated data centers can deploy quickly, often within days to weeks. The exact turnaround time may vary based on specific requirements and necessary preparations. It is advisable to contact the data center and discuss your deployment needs for an accurate estimation of the time required.

Yes, colocation offers opportunities for scalability and growth. Data centers understand the need for flexibility and can assist you in scaling your infrastructure as your business grows. They can provide additional rackspace, power capacity, and connectivity to meet the growing demands of your business. With colocation, you can easily adapt and expand your infrastructure without the worries and costs of building and maintaining your own data center.

In the event of an outage or failure in the data center, colocated data centers have robust measures in place to minimize the impact. They have redundant power supply, emergency power generators, and advanced cooling systems to ensure reliability. Additionally, they have monitoring and security systems to detect potential issues early on. Data centers also have technical staff available 24/7 to quickly respond to any incidents and failures. These measures ensure high availability and uptime of your equipment.

In a colocated data center, it is your responsibility to regularly back up your own data. The data center provides the physical infrastructure and security, but it is important for you to implement the necessary backup procedures to protect your data. However, the colocated data center can advise you on best practices and make recommendations regarding backup solutions and strategies that are suitable for your needs.

Colocated data centers offer various SLAs, depending on the specific data center and services provided. These SLAs specify the guaranteed availability of power, network connectivity, and physical access to the data center. They also include response times for support and other aspects of the service. It is important to review the SLAs of the respective data center and evaluate whether they meet your requirements and expectations.

Shared rackspace means sharing your equipment with other customers in a shared rack. This can be cost-effective but offers less privacy and limited physical access. On the other hand, a dedicated cabinet provides you with the exclusive space of a full cabinet, offering more privacy and control. You can customize the space according to your needs and have full physical access to your equipment. The choice between shared rackspace and a dedicated cabinet depends on factors such as required space, privacy needs, and budget.

Colocated data centers provide various monitoring tools and systems that allow you to monitor the performance and usage of your servers and equipment. Most of this comes from a managed PDU that can be ordered from Qupra. This includes features such as bandwidth monitoring, power usage, temperature and humidity measurements, and network activity monitoring. You can utilize these tools to optimize performance, identify potential issues, and take proactive measures. The data center can also advise you on available monitoring options and assist you in implementing suitable monitoring strategies.

Qupra offers internet & bandwith options including hosting of IP adresses DDOs protection etcetera like: Internetacces, Iptransit, Wave, or Darkfiber Metro amsterdam. 1 gigabit 95% percentile of transport from nearly any Datacenter within Amsterdam is available as from 95 euro a month.

Real service

With us, you as a customer are our focus!

Thinking along with our customers, guiding them with customized advice and offering high-quality technical support is a matter of course for us. We take you through our clear registration process and ensure a flawless connection of your services. We also guarantee 99.9% network availability over its delivered services.

We have a team of specialized account managers ready to help you with all your questions. You can contact them directly at +31 (0) 20-7910101

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