Call reporting in Kwebbl

Call reporting in Kwebbl

Call reports are an important part of the telephone service. Am I easily accessible? How often do callers fail to reach me or a colleague? How long do conversations last? Reporting gives you insight into these matters. It is also possible to view call reporting in Kwebbl.

Call reporting

Viewing call reporting in Kwebbl is very easy. The reporting page lists the call detail lines, indicated as CDRs (call detail records). This overview shows all conversation lines, with the most recent conversation at the top. These call rules are presented in a number of columns, so that you can quickly see whether it is an incoming or outgoing call, what the duration is and on what date and time the call started and the call ended. For example, if there is an incoming call in a ring group of 5 extensions, and one of the 5 calls picks up, this call will also be in 5 lines of which 4 lines will indicate that the no one answered the call.

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Basic filters for call reporting

At the top you see the total number of calls and the number of calls accepted. You can filter the conversation rules here by answered/unanswered, incoming/outgoing and a pre-selection of a number of periods, such as last month or last week.

Advanced filters for call reporting

Pressing the yellow button at the top right takes the user to the advanced filters. Here it is possible to filter by:

– Number or extension that called

– Number or internal extension that answered the call

– Call duration

– How long did it take for someone to answer

– How long it took the person to end the call


The advanced filters are therefore an addition to the basic filters for viewing call reporting in Kwebbl.

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Download conversation lines

Kwebbl also offers the possibility to download the conversation rules. To do this, click on the blue export button at the top right. You can download it as a .csv file and open it in Excel.

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